Monday, September 13, 2010

My First Day at School!!

So today was my first day of Spanish language classes!  They are held in a building through a private company in O Grove, a town 20 minutes from my house by bus.  I arrived this morning and first thing had an exam, to assess my level of knowledge.  Needless to say, this exam went very poorly!  In the first portion I had to self rate my knowledge of the Spanish language.  After that there were exercises for me to complete, conjugating verbs as directed (in the gerund, present subjunctive, past participle, etc, etc.)  Needless to say grammar education in the US is piss poor and I had no idea what any of these things mean!  I remember how to conjugate verbs (somewhat), but had no idea what they wanted me to do.  It was a horribly frustrating exam to take and by the end had convinced myself that I hated Spanish.  So I hand in my exam to a woman, who makes marks all over it with a highlighter (I'm assuming the highlighter meant 'bad'), while shaking her head, saying "no, no, no".  It took all of my self control not to cry right then and there.  So she then explains to me that there are 4 different groups currently in progress, and that I am in between the first and the second group and that she doesn't know what to do because she wasn't want me to be confused in the 2nd group, nor does she want me to be bored in the 1st group.  So she went and spoke to someone and then told me that she was going to place me in the 1st group, and to let her know once I got bored. 

So I then entered a room where a class was already in session.  There was a professor (who I have a major crush on - handsome man with a ponytail) and two other students.  One of them is from London; his parents own a summer home in O Grove and he has decided to take language classes over 'holiday'.  He ate an entire bag of these chocolate cookies during the class (this isn't really relevant, but just an observation I had made during class).  The other is a girl from Germany who is residing in the dorms run through the language program.  We then reviewed the gerund (verbs ending in -ing), reflexive verbs, and vocabulary for the different parts of the body.  Once we started to go through it I remembered all of it from high school.  So hopefully with a little more review time in this class and some extra time at home I should be able to move into the next group.  So despite its rocky start, my class went relatively well!  I have added below a picture Jonathan took of me while waiting for the bus this morning :)


  1. Cute bus pic! I'm wondering where your backpack and name tag are though...


  2. I loved your first day of school story. It brought back memories from my semester in France...We, too, were sorted into groups. It was disappointing for me to be in the second of three groups because I was a French major! I learned enough over the next several months to get the equivalent of a French high-school diploma, so it was worth it. Sadly, except for occasion reading, I don't use my French much anymore...

  3. Love the updates

  4. Very cute! Study, study. Hope you have a blast, we miss you!
