Thursday, January 20, 2011


Since I moved here to Galicia I have been learning a lot of really awesome Gallego reicipes and, since I am without a job, I have fully emersed myself in the role of "ama de casa" (Gallego housewife).  During the Franco era of Spain a lot of emphasis was placed on a woman's duty in the house, and still today being a housewife is a source of pride for many older women.  When we went over to Gonzalito and Loli's home for a family dinner, Chelo came to help out in the kitchen, with her smock in tow (Obviously, I made fun of Chelo for bringing her own smock).  Because I've shown an affinity for Gallego cooking and all things of the house (making wine, planting potatoes, etc) Chelo gave my very own Gellega smock.  :)